Sevierville Planning & Permitting

Planning & Development

The Planning and Development Department is responsible for economic development, city and regional planning, subdivision regulation, residential and commercial site plan approval, floodway control, and development of short-range and long-range annexation plans.

Commercial Development

Corey Divel – Development Director

120 Gary Wade Blvd

Sevierville, TN 37862

Office: 865-453-5504

Residential Development
Kristina Rodreick – Senior Planner


The Sevierville Engineering Department is responsible for design and construction of minor city projects; oversight of major construction projects; providing input on the sidewalk improvement and resurfacing plans; monitoring the FEMA flood program; implementation of the NPDES Phase II storm water program; performing field surveys and inspections of developments; maintaining survey control points and assisting with site plan approvals.

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

The City of Sevierville Engineering department also manages the city’s GIS mapping system. We support, train and develop the city staff with all GIS related projects and tasks.

Public Works

The Public Works Department is responsible for commercial and residential garbage collection, street cleaning, snow removal, street paving, traffic control (signage, markings, etc.), maintenance of City vehicles, and cleanup and mowing of right-of-ways.
Doug Tarwater – Director of Public Works
310 Robert Henderon Road
Sevierville, Tn 37862
Office: 865-429-4567

Sevierville Water Department

Keith Malone, Director

2295 Mccroskey Island Road
Sevierville, TN 37876
Phone: (865) 453-5522


Sevierville Business License
Office: 865-453-5504


Sevier County Electric System
Office: 865-453-2887
Click Here to Visit The Website

Sevier County Utility District
Office: 865-453-3272
Click Here to Visit the Website

Sevier County Water/Utilities Dept.
227 Cedar Street, Sevierville, TN  37862
Phone 865.774.3852
Office Hours: M-F 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Closed Saturday, Sunday and Holidays
Fax: 865-774-3747
Click Here to Visit the Website